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- 51ÉçÇø Challenge
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51ÉçÇø Challenge
The 51ÉçÇø Challenge seeks to raise individual esteem and motivation through participation and recognition, and encourages students to become fully involved in College and community life. It encourages and motivates students through participation to develop responsibility and active citizenship. The 51ÉçÇø Challenge provides a means of tracking personal achievements leading to a Bronze, Silver, Gold, and the Principal’s Platinum Award.
The 51ÉçÇø Challenge has proven to:
• instil College values in the lives of students;
• provide a means of raising motivation within the student body;
• promote positive interaction with the wider community;
• enable students to recognise and highlight areas of their own effort or achievement; and
• increase student pride in achievement.
Whilst the Challenge applies to students from Year 3, students in Years 5 - 12 are responsible for maintaining their own record of their efforts and achievement. This will be done as a scheduled activity in Secondary Mentor Groups and with the assistance of class teachers in the Primary Years. Teachers will maintain records for students in Year 3 to Year 4. Application forms can be found here.
There is an emphasis on consistency and students will be expected to maintain high standards of behaviour throughout the year.